تحميل لعبة الفار الشقي Sewer Rat Run 3D HD للاندرويد

تحميل لعبة الفار الشقي Sewer Rat Run 3D HD للاندرويد

A stimulus tricky action maze game

The protagonist is a sewer rat

Can you help him escape from the sewer? Come and challenge it!

How to play:

With the passage of time,

The physical value of the mouse will be getting lower and lower,

Can supplement eating cheese on the road,

Escaped from the condition of the sewer is "set at least three key"

Set at least three key find the door you can cross the border to escape

Mouse Run



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تحميل لعبة الفار الشقي Sewer Rat Run 3D HD للاندرويد 4.5 5 Unknown الجمعة، 16 أكتوبر 2015 تحميل لعبة الفار الشقي Sewer Rat Run 3D HD للاندرويد A stimulus tricky action maze game The protagonist is a sewer rat Can you help him esc...

On : الجمعة، 16 أكتوبر 2015,

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I'am Unknown, a part-time blogger and template designer from Indonesia who is the founder And Author of تحميل جميع البرامج. I love create Blogger Themes, write about blog design, And Blogspot tweaks. You can subscribe me on G+ @ Unknown .

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