برنامج FolderShine لتغير شكل ولون ايقونة المجلدات

مكتبة البرامج
برامج كمبيوتر

Be creative in everyday work. They say extraordinary things catch one's eye much faster than all the ordinary ones. Let's see. Every day we open Explorer and see lots of folders. They are all alike - we have to read the names before opening the right one. New FoderShine utility can save time and make everyday work more interesting. FolderShine changes an icon or color of any folder you like. Now you'll never forget about the folder Must Be Done Urgently thanks to its red icon. The folder with the photos of your family turn pink or green or violet. Let your imagination do the job. Replace boring yellow folders with colorful icons from the list with one click only.

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برنامج FolderShine لتغير شكل ولون ايقونة المجلدات 4.5 5 Unknown الأحد، 6 أكتوبر 2013 مكتبة البرامج برامج كمبيوتر Be creative in everyday work. They say extraordinary things catch one's eye much faster than all the ordina...

On : الأحد، 6 أكتوبر 2013,

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I'am Unknown, a part-time blogger and template designer from Indonesia who is the founder And Author of تحميل جميع البرامج. I love create Blogger Themes, write about blog design, And Blogspot tweaks. You can subscribe me on G+ @ Unknown .

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